Job Search Alternatives for Job Worriers

Handling bad job news is not easy. How should you deal with the negative broadcasts around you and are there other alternatives to secure your job or find new work?

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10 ways to get your emails noticed

Email is the universal business communication tool, yet so many emails go straight to the trash or remain unopened. I have 10 easy tips to ensure your name in the ‘from’ field becomes a stress reducer for your clients, colleagues and even your recruiter or hiring manager if you are job seeking.


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It’s Time To Quit

One of the first questions I get asked when I deal with individuals who are in job transitions is: How do I know when it’s time to quit? Read more

10 signs that you are a TIMEWASTER

Every job search or career change scenario is unique, but you’ll improve your situation if you avoid one or all of these timewasting scenarios.  Read more