Fired, laid off, re-structured, made redundant… 5 ways you can help your staff

It really makes no difference what you call it. If you have to let people go, you can still make the transition smoother for everyone. Read more

The 3 main reasons why you don’t get job interviews

Getting a job interview can be hard work, especially if you are in competition with hundreds of other job hunters for each position. Even if you are qualified, you can easily be overlooked or ignored. If this sounds familiar to you, then it’s time to seriously check your applications and your resume to find out what you need to do to secure job interviews. Read more

8 signs that tell me you would sell your mother just to get a job

It’s a bit like dating.  Looking desperate is not going to get you anywhere in your job search. When hiring professionals see or feel desperation in your eye, they question your motives and you lose credibility in an instant. Read more

Two Kick Ass Job Alternatives That You’re Probably Totally Qualified To Do.

Everyone dreams of having or finding a more exciting job. But those dreams tend to be quickly crushed by the realisation that all the really kickass jobs are the ones that require the kind of training or experience that is next to impossible for most of us to acquire without capturing a wish-granting elf. Read more

The type of words that kill your resume

Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me. D’oooooh wrong. That is so old fashioned that it hurts just reading it and it definitely does not apply to your application documents. Read more