What Your Potential Employer Can Find Out About You!

Believe it or not, prospective or potential employer (s)  have access to more information online than you expect and many will “Check You Out” before you’re even offered a job.
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When is it ok to lie on your resume?

I regularly hear the job hunter excuse “but everyone lies or exaggerates”. Well, there is truth in this. So, the real question then, is which lies do hiring managers and recruiters actually accept on your resume? Read more

Get the best jobs before they are advertised

An estimated 70% of jobs are not advertised. That’s a lot of hidden roles you might be missing out on. Here, Head Coach Ulrich Schild explains how to hunt the best jobs down. Read more

The 5 Must-Do Job Ad Analyser Steps for a Successful Job Application

It is really not hard to apply for jobs. In most cases, all that’s needed is to hit the “Apply” button or send an email, and your application is in the pool for a new job.Really? Experienced job hunters know it isn’t that simple. Most job applications seem to get lost in black holes, which is very discouraging.

So, how do you get your application to the top of the pile? Read more