Why Working in Australia or New Zealand Could be Your Best Career Move
Ultimately, the decision to look for work abroad can be refreshing, modern and adventurous.
The number of people who choose to look for a job abroad is increasing. Working in another country can offer a great experience and the chance to learn a lot in a professional, social and cultural capacity.
I credit my own experience working abroad as a major factor in developing confidence, self-reliance and an appreciation of other cultures. Australia and New Zealand are ideal places to look for opportunities to work abroad.
I have compiled a list of 7 compelling reasons to work in Australia or New Zealand. I’ve included reference blogs from expats who write about their experiences in both countries and they all agree that embarking on this adventure is a great way to travel, broaden your horizons and add valuable experience to your resume. Who knows, you may decide to return home after a while or, as many people desire, to stay for good.
And if you are amongst the blog readers in TheDyslexicjobseeker.com who already live or work here and want to be reminded why Australia and NZ are great places, then just read on and let me open your eyes to the wonderful world of working in our part of the world.
1. Prove Your Independence
Heading overseas, landing a job, sorting out a place to live and starting a new life takes some guts and clued up hiring managers will take note. If you’re a recent college grad, chances are you’re living with your parents (again). You probably aren’t too excited about the situation. Going overseas to work forces you to cut the cord and live on your own. And in many expatriate work scenarios, you’re either given financial support for housing or housing is provided for you.
- 2. Enhance and Develop your Creativity and Resourcefulness
Every employer wants to hire creative problem-solvers. A September 2010 article in Harvard Business Review features research suggesting people who have lived in more than one country are better problem-solvers and display more creativity, especially if they’re not isolated from the local culture.
- 3. Experience Real Freedom
Granted, while you’re working you won’t exactly be free and heading abroad to start a new life can be a daunting experience. However, once you discover that it’s not as scary or difficult as you first thought, it’s as if a whole new world opens up to you. You will gain the confidence of knowing that you can go anywhere and still manage to support yourself. The world truly becomes your oyster.
- 4. Exposure to People and Projects
Macie Nevadomski Berdan, author of Go Global! Launching an International Career Here or Abroad says you can’t beat the exposure and opportunities you get working overseas. She credits the opportunities she took advantage of during her stint in the Hong Kong office of PR giant Burson-Marsteller with her rapid rise in the organization: Vice President by age 27, Managing Director by 30. How’s that for a career?
- 5. Meet the ‘Real’ Locals
As a traveller you’ll be meeting locals at every turn. But chances are most of them will be working in the tourist industry and will have a vested interest in being nice to you. If you want to really meet the locals and experience the culture, working abroad is the answer.
- 6. Learn New Skills
Working abroad may give you the chance to do all sorts of crazy jobs you’d probably never even think of trying at home. Many of the skills you may learn, like how to be an efficient fruit picker (seriously, it’s a popular seasonal occupation for many expats finding their feet or looking for some money) or the quickest way to put on a duvet cover on a cruise yacht in the Whitsundays, probably won’t specifically benefit your future career but any new skill shows initiative. Plus there are lots of other skills you will obtain learning to adapt and function in a new country and environment. At the very least, it will make a great story when you’re being interviewed for a new job.
- 7. Make Lasting Friendships
Migration or temporary work visas will allow you the time to develop lasting, meaningful friendships with other travellers and co-workers. It makes saying goodbye at the end a lot harder, but the memories will last longer and you’ll have new professional contacts and friends to visit all over the world.
Many recruiters and hiring managers see international work experience as a plus as it indicates that you are able to expand boundaries, adjust to different cultures and surroundings and that you’re not afraid of challenges.
Both Australia and New Zealand have plenty of opportunities and plenty of challenges. By working here you’ll develop some important entrepreneurial and social skill sets. That’s something we are really good at ‘Down Under’. So, check out the slideshow, read some of the blogs and see if moving to our side of the world could be YOUR BEST CAREER MOVE.
Peter Snell
Sterling Henry Global Migration
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