10 Reasons Why LinkedIn Is Useless If You’re Searching For A New Job

LinkedIn has tonnes of problems and their network professionals are increasingly turning to new alternatives. Why? Because LinkedIn is steadily ignoring user service requests and that is the clearest indicator that the business is destined to fail (or at least become less relevant).  It is also obvious that LinkedIn cares more about the money than their loyal customers. Read more

Turn Yourself into an Obvious Fit To Get The Job

Are you an obvious fit for the job? How are you going with your job search? Any success yet? Have several months passed by since you lost your last gig? I suggest that you do the following to get a job. Read more

25 Ways To Generate Job Leads (That Actually Work)

“What is the best source for finding good jobs and Generate Job Leads?” How do you generate job leads… and “Where should I focus my time?” Read more

The 10 Must Have Skills If You Want That $ 120k+job

Career success comes from the mastery of skills plus current tools that can be applied across positions, fields or companies. I have 10 Must Have Skills and tools you need to have if you want to improve your chances for that $120k+ job. Read more

What Your Potential Employer Can Find Out About You!

Believe it or not, prospective or potential employer (s)  have access to more information online than you expect and many will “Check You Out” before you’re even offered a job.
Read more

When is it ok to lie on your resume?

I regularly hear the job hunter excuse “but everyone lies or exaggerates”. Well, there is truth in this. So, the real question then, is which lies do hiring managers and recruiters actually accept on your resume? Read more

Get the best jobs before they are advertised

An estimated 70% of jobs are not advertised. That’s a lot of hidden roles you might be missing out on. Here, Head Coach Ulrich Schild explains how to hunt the best jobs down. Read more

The 5 Must-Do Job Ad Analyser Steps for a Successful Job Application

It is really not hard to apply for jobs. In most cases, all that’s needed is to hit the “Apply” button or send an email, and your application is in the pool for a new job.Really? Experienced job hunters know it isn’t that simple. Most job applications seem to get lost in black holes, which is very discouraging.

So, how do you get your application to the top of the pile? Read more

7 Things You Must Stop to Ensure Your Job Search Success

I occasionally have to cut conversations with potential clients short. Why? Because of their attitude. Simply speaking, Your Attitude Determines Your Job Search Altitude, I see it 3 out of 10 times. I know that with that attitude they won’t get hired or have their applications passed along to the hiring manager. I sense it within 30 seconds of being on the phone. I literally smell it. I have seven things you need to stop if you want to reach better heights and see some job search success. Read more

Why Smart Brands Hire Yuccies

Are you looking to hire better staff? Do you see your business asa Smart Brand? Are you tired of Millennials and Hipsters? If you haven’t been living under a rock, you should know that Yuccies are now the most sought after employees and tonnes of smart companies and Start Ups are looking to hire them.

What’s a YUCCIE you may ask and how can you spot this new talent so you can hire a YUCCIE employee? Let me explain. Read more