You better ‘Clean up your online reputation’ !

If you haven’t done it already – now is the best time to clean up ‘ your online reputation’. You see most Hiring Managers and Recruiters hit the google button, as soon as they have short listed you.


So try it and  google yourself and don’t be too surprised if you get hit with some embarrassing content from the past.  With this in mind, I strongly suggest that you clean up your ‘online shrapnel’ before you kick off your networking for a career change or before you embark on your job seeking mission. If you want to know how to clean up click here :

Job and Career Networking in Australia and New Zealand

The Hidden Job Market Part III

Job Seekers in Australia and New Zealand want relevant info to learn what the ‘Hidden Job Market’ really is, how it works and more importantly how they can access it.The keys to the Hidden Job Market are networking and relationships. I have four simple methods to show you how to turn the keys to create job and career leads and open doors leading to your next job. Read more

Kickstart Your Career ! CHANGE

There are times in our lives when we need to review our situation and think about  a new direction and a possible career change or transition. Unpaid work, possibilities for learning, the kind of lifestyle you want and your changing roles within your family—any of these things can trigger career change, and you should consider all of them when you’re thinking of reinventing yourself. Watch the video blog to see what suits you best.

3 Essential Steps to Networking … The Hidden Job Market Part II

Have you started exploring the ‘Hidden Job Market’ yet and are you building a network of contacts? Or are you still relying on the same-old-same-old of applying to advertised openings to land that next job? I’m sure you’ve heard of the Hidden Job Market. However, I think it’s worth a reminder that there are many unfilled and un-advertised jobs. So the idea is to work on your networking skills so you can meet people who can hire you before a job is made available through the traditional channels. Read more

How to secure the Job after a successful Interview

The interview may be over, but your chance to make an impression is not. Unfortunately, your work is not done once you leave the interview – in fact it’s just beginning. .

You can’t simply sit back and wait for the job offer – you need to get ready to do some more work. I have 3 essential steps to help you to secure the job, so click here to get started.

Love Your Recruiter!

You are happy with work and you get one of those ‘out of the blue’ calls from a recruiter. Your instinct kicks in and you ask yourself, why you should answer the call?

I know how you feel and I understand. I also share your careful approach but I suggest that you take a more open approach to these calls.

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Knock ‘em out in style

Documents such as your beautifully crafted resume and other portfolio items definitely matter, but what can really land the job for you and knock out other candidates is ‘style’.  We all know that every candidate is different but the ways in which most decision makers discover and select ‘winning’ applicants are strikingly simple and similar. Read more

Networking, Networking, Networking and why it might not work for you…!

It is not just recently that experts and career consultants have been consistently talking about networking. It almost seems like it is the No. 1 topic in LinkedIn, Plaxo and other forums.


I guess it’s fair to say that they all can’t be wrong about the fact that networking is the No. 1 tool for Job Seekers and career changers, not to mention Sales Professionals who want to land their next big deal.


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Decipher the Job Ads to land the right job!

When you read job advertisements, you know that they’re not all created equally. Some include far too much detail, while others leave a lot up to the imagination. As with everything, it is up to you to pick out what’s important when applying for a job.

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Kickstart your network expansion and lift your profile

Developing a strong professional network has always been an important and powerful strategy used by effective job seekers in all fields. Networking is often the No. 1 missing tool in a job seekers toolbox, and this is even more true with ‘mature age’ candidates in the Age Group 45-55. This group often started their networking activities too late in their career or haven’t adapted to new ways of networking.



So, what do you do when your number of network contacts is low and which solution do you turn to when your attempts to reach out for new network contacts fall on deaf ears? How do you deal with 7 or more months of unemployment and 100s of unanswered applications resulting in zero or near zero job interviews? Read more