Get Noticed & Remembered Secure Your Next Job
Some job candidates just know how to be remembered for the right reasons.
If you want to get noticed and, more importantly, be remembered for the right reasons, here are 14 tips that will make you stand out as a candidate so you can secure the next job.
Some candidates just have it. You know… the type that gets it right from the moment the recruiter or hiring manager spots them for the first time. They simply get noticed.
I regularly remind my clients how important it is to get the basics right if you want to be considered as a suitable candidate. It doesn’t take much – just 14 simple tips. If you want to get your application to the top of the pile and fast forward to the front of the interview queue then get your highlighter and mark some or all of these tips so you can secure your next job opportunity.
Summarise it first and keep it simple
Ensure to place a summary of experience at the top of your CV and more importantly tailor specific applicable experience when you apply for a job. Apply appropriate words from the job description or job ad so that applicant tracking systems (ATS) can recognise them and make a match.
Demonstrate leadership.
Hiring professionals love candidates who have leadership skills. Even if you have never led a team, you probably have some leadership experience tucked away such as organising a fundraising campaign or sports teams.
Impress, Proof, Deliver.
Real & actual examples of what you’ve done in the past will get you remembered. Practice your answers so that you can use them in an interview when the time is right. Keep some facts and figures at your fingertips. Hiring managers need proof and the best way to demonstrate that you know how to deliver is numbers and facts. Tell them how you increased sales by 5%, by XYZ or improved customer feedback by 12%. That’s the sticky stuff.
Update your profiles.
Hiring Managers tend to check your online profiles. Ensure to UPDATE your profiles.
Ask smart questions.
Nothing annoys hiring managers more than candidates who don’t pay attention during interviews. Relax, pay attention, take notes and compare your questions to the learnings of the interview. Finish your questions with the most import one and ask your interviewer, “How do you think I match up with this position?”
Be confident and show a positive attitude.
You do not have to be an extrovert to be positive. Just be yourself, be genuine and upbeat and ensure to present yourself properly – see next point.
Direct answers leave impressions.
Keep it short, stick to the subject and answer questions directly as well as giving brief snapshots about your experiences and career history, past actions and results. However, what matters is to ensure that you directly relate these experiences to the job description.
Bring your best communication and presentation skills
and get the dress and handshake right. Slow down, relax and keep your communication professional – the same applies to your outfit. Check and if you are not sure ask for some feedback from someone you trust.
Be an active listener
Not sure what an active listener is? Watch this 5 step video.
Have a clear career plan and aspirations
Knowing what you want to do with yourself leaves an impression. Avoid vague answers about your personal career plans. Don’t be afraid to think and plan big.
Be genuine and enthusiastic about the role.
It is one of the big pet hates of professional hiring managers – candidates with scattered applications.
Guys, if your heart is not in the role, don’t apply for it! Don’t waste anyone’s time.
Clarify how you stand out as a candidate.
Try to do this at the start, the middle part and at the end of the interview. Also, try to ask the all-important question. (see point No. 5)
Sell the benefits you can bring to the business. Check your key selling points before you arrive for the interview and then repeat the benefits you can bring to the job as often as you can without boasting too much.
Demonstrate a good understanding of the role.
Hiring managers can tell if you know the job description and the job requirements. Ensure to prepare for the interview.
These 14 tips should get you noticed and remembered. Impress with your skills, provide proof with your communication and deliver with good answers, documentation and profiles and you will fast track your chances to secure a good job.
Store or share these tips if you find them useful. Job seeking and career changing is not rocket science, but it is hard work and you should always be prepared and hunt wisely!
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