How To Spot Bad Career Advice So You Can Ignore It!
Job searching sucks, we all know that and the whole search today isn’t what it was decades ago when our parents were way ahead and building careers for themselves. Yes, Yes we all know, it isn’t even the same as it was when I embarked upon my first search many years ago.
While some things seem to stand the test of time—can you imagine not needing a resume? —others are best left in the past – especially bad career advice. No one needs it and no one wants it!
As new industries and roles surface, the hunt must change as well. MrCareerTick aka Uli Schild offers his thoughts and insights How To Spot Bad Career Advice So You Can Ignore It. The type of advice that is not going to get you ahead, much less get you a job offer. Enjoy this 20-minute podcast and ensure to take some notes!