Job interviews that scream “Don’t work for us!”

Given the current news that is regularly broadcast about the latest redundancies in Australia & New Zealand, it might seem ridiculous to even consider turning down a job offer, particularly if you have been on the job hunt for the last six months or more.

Most of the hiring professionals I speak to say they have become very reluctant to advise anyone to turn down a job these days. This makes it very tempting to jump at the first thing that comes along after several job interviews. However, even in today’s job climate there are still some reasons to consider declining that offer.

Remember, not every job offer will be the ideal match for you. Consider who you will be working with, the interview process, and whether you are being promised something the company won’t deliver before you take the new job.

The warning signs:

There’s plenty of warning signs to look out for during your job interviews, but if you see any of these you should definitely run for the hills…

Success comes from people first!

A good relationship is the foundation of a good job, and you need to take a pass on hiring managers or interviewers who do not know how to manage their own inner demons. If you are exposed to an interviewer that only attempts to belittle and slight you, EXIT! His or her style is clearly indicating their management style in the future, even if you are being interviewed by a 3rd party recruiter. Always remember, that they work on behalf of their client.

Too good & too fast to be true

The interview and hiring process is scattered, the recruiter appears to be a bit of a rookie, your key contact during the selection process is already emailing you out of business hours, or the potential colleagues you met were rude or standoff-ish. You can choose to dismiss these signs or turn on your radar! I suggest that you treat these signals as red flags. Busy season or not, the way you are treated from the first day of communication in the hiring process is very telling as to how you will be treated as an employee.

Too fast an interview process means the company is obviously only interested in filling seats, not in any one particular candidate. Too slow, and it’s possible that the company is negotiating whether they even have the money to fund your position. Expect a reasonable speed in the hiring process or take it as a clue to keep your options open.

The Money

No question, the money isn’t the key driver for every job hunter. Many people are much happier in positions that are more personally fulfilling, whether that means better career growth or a more aligned mission—than they would be making more somewhere else.

If you work in Australia, then it’s likely remuneration will be a key decision driver, since we live in one of the most expensive countries in the world. Whatever you value, it’s important to make sure that any job you take is the right move financially. Several of our clients have turned down job offers because the salary couldn’t support them or their families. If this is the case — and if you’ve tried negotiating for a better package or more opportunities—it might make sense to look for, greener pastures.

Warm and fuzzy ALL the time

It all just went to well. I often have to smile a bit when I overhear conversations that start with “I’ve been headhunted!” Whatever happens during the recruiting process guys, get it in writing. If they offer bonuses, relocation expenses or even have specific policies, you should be able to get it in writing. If they don’t want to give it to you in writing, it’s most likely not official.

If you are concerned over some behaviour during the hiring process for a new job, seek out alternatives. Sign up with jobsites such as FOSSLR to get shortlisted for any new opportunity that might interest you. They even pay you a sign on bounty if you get the job or refer a suitable candidate.

Lack of growth

Every job you have should add to your resume — and not just in terms of taking up space. If you are not able to identify the growth opportunities in terms of roles, knowledge, and new projects or responsibilities, it’s a fair reason to be hesitant about accepting the job.

Take an inventory of what you’re already great at and the skills you want to gain. Remember: If you’re not growing you’ll either: get bored and look for another job; or too comfortable and passed up for promotion. Take a critical eye to the position description and talk to potential colleagues to see if it’ll really be a good fit for you.

No values, missions or visions

I strongly suggest that you care about what your future employer is hoping to achieve. Watch out for warning signs, as it is easy to get too excited by any great-sounding job and overlook when an organization is not the best fit.

It’s also easy to take the company’s employment marketing and mission statements at face value, without digging further. So, do your research beyond what you read on the company website—by talking to people who are familiar with the company, reading up on its current news, and browsing reviews on Glassdoor or social media.

If you want some hints how to get any of the true stuff on a company, contact us and we coach you how to do proper research. The conversations and further research helped our clients realize that they couldn’t work with passion and their best self if they didn’t believe in what they were working toward.

It’s only a deal if it works for both the employer and the job hunter. It helps to fine tune your radar during the interview process and to remember to hunt wisely!
