The 14 Most Common LinkedIn Pet Hates

Should I LinkedIn or not? Should I hunt and focus on a high quantity of connections or focus more on the quality of connections?


In all my training, coaching and speaking it probably has been the most popular question when talking about LinkedIn:


Should I LinkedIn or not? and … Should a job seeker hunt and focus on a high quantity of connections or should they just focus more on the quality of connections?


I believe in simple advice and so, in short, my answer is always focus on quality over quantity. I am a strong believer and advocate that out of quality work comes the desired quantity. How do you achieve both volume and quality and what should you avoid?


I have a list of the Top 14 Pet Hates on LinkedIn. Observe these and your volume of contacts will increase and the quality of connections will come naturally as a result of good LinkedIn communication. It’s not who you know, but who wants to know you. Just do the basics right and when you are “linking” remember to hunt wisely!

