How to Spot Fake Job Offers
Job searching is tough work. No one wants the added hassle of having to weed out the fake online job ads from legitimate and genuine job opportunities.
Job searching is tough work. No one wants the added hassle of having to weed out the fake online job ads from legitimate and genuine job opportunities.
A negative experience for the job seeker can reflect badly on your company. If you get it wrong, you may see a ripple effect damage that appears when somebody makes a complaint which gains traction and/ or goes viral around the internet. To help prevent this check out the following situations for jobseekers and see what many experience when they apply for jobs. Get the Rest Here
When you read job advertisements, you know that they’re not all created equally. Some include far too much detail, while others leave a lot up to the imagination. As with everything, it is up to you to pick out what’s important when applying for a job.
So, you’ve updated your company website – tick; you’ve hired a professional copywriter and he spruiked up your dull ‘ABOUT US’ story line – tick; and you’re now happily placing new job ads because you urgently need enthusiastic and motivated employees with a strong sense of duty – tick.
You’re ready for the quality candidates to start flowing in… Yeah….
You expect your job seekers to reply with passionate, heartfelt, honest and more importantly fully personalised cover letters and CVs that match your criteria to the tee. You are spot on to expect all of that, because after all, you are a good business and people want to work for you. You get the drift, right?
If that’s the case, then hell yeah, let me spend the next 2 or 3 hours on my application to you. Because you are worth it! Read more
Yes, you heard me right. Stop wasting valuable time and learn to cut through the lingo and the unnecessary crap in job ads. Let me guide you through a natural and intuitive process to secure an interview. Learn to ‘cut through the crap’ so to speak, regardless of how descriptive the ad is, and decide whether or not it’s a good fit for you.
Applying this review or reading process can also clue you in to how serious the company is about the position and give you details about the company culture. Here is a quick list of the three most obvious ‘cutting’ tools. Read more