
25 Ways To Generate Job Leads (That Actually Work)

“What is the best source for finding good jobs and Generate Job Leads?” How do you generate job leads… and “Where should I focus my time?” Read more

The 10 Must Have Skills If You Want That $ 120k+job

Career success comes from the mastery of skills plus current tools that can be applied across positions, fields or companies. I have 10 Must Have Skills and tools you need to have if you want to improve your chances for that $120k+ job. Read more

Why Smart Brands Hire Yuccies

Are you looking to hire better staff? Do you see your business asa Smart Brand? Are you tired of Millennials and Hipsters? If you haven’t been living under a rock, you should know that Yuccies are now the most sought after employees and tonnes of smart companies and Start Ups are looking to hire them.

What’s a YUCCIE you may ask and how can you spot this new talent so you can hire a YUCCIE employee? Let me explain. Read more

5 Foolproof Tactics To Get You Job Interviews

I recently attended Sydney’s biggest Start Up fair at Town Hall, where students and Gen Y and many other job hunters approached me for potential jobs at our FOSSLR Start Up, so I thought this would be a good time to share some of my thoughts. Read more

10 key phrases that will make me want to hire you

Want to be a better job applicant? Do you want to be hired from your resume or receive a job offer straight after your interview? It might be worth looking at your language. Read more

OOPs you did it again… And that’s why no one wants to hire you!

Job hunting sucks, we all know that. Ok, I am pushing buttons here.  I know that and the next sentence is not written with any disrespect. Read more

Two Kick Ass Job Alternatives That You’re Probably Totally Qualified To Do.

Everyone dreams of having or finding a more exciting job. But those dreams tend to be quickly crushed by the realisation that all the really kickass jobs are the ones that require the kind of training or experience that is next to impossible for most of us to acquire without capturing a wish-granting elf. Read more

Six signs that your online networking skills suck

Everyday, you and thousands of job hunters and professionals network online, but very few actually observe the basics to secure valuable and lasting connections or opportunities that can bring new business or a new job. Read more

How to Avoid Job hunter Burnout

In a job hunting space as fast-paced as the online and mobile job ad world, you know there are many tasks you ‘should’ perform to reach more employers with your quest for a new job. Read more

How to dress for an informal interview

There are first interviews, second interviews, phone, Skype, Google hangout interviews, lunch interviews, and group panel interviews and informal interviews.But all of these sessions have a purposes and most even have some kind of “best practices.” Read more