25 Ways To Network Yourself To Your Next Job
You can find a new job if you spend 15 to 30 minutes per day actively reinforcing your personal brand and growing your network through some of the 25 easy activities listed below. Read more
You can find a new job if you spend 15 to 30 minutes per day actively reinforcing your personal brand and growing your network through some of the 25 easy activities listed below. Read more
Recruiters and hiring managers have to ensure they select candidates with leadership qualities, talent and strong team traits, amongst other things. Read more
Bastien Wallace is an Experienced Public Health and Sports Professional with strong education and advisory background
Recruiters and Hiring Managers, if you haven’t found a ‘client of the month’ yet, let me tell you about one of my favourite clients who currently delivers an outstanding client experience to our coaches at TJSC.
Bastien Wallace has been a great client from the word go. Providing job search coaching to a client like Bastien reminds me and my team how rewarding being a Job Search Coach can be.
Bastien is “coachable” in every sense of the word and she is the most focused and hands on candidate I have experienced in a long time. Two of Bastien’s stand-out traits are her positive communication and leadership skills and her natural ability to engage and inspire the people around her. We are confident that Bastien would be a great asset for any organisation. These are the reasons why Bastien is our:
Don’t worry, this is not a quick cop out to avoid an upcoming fee discussion and it’s also not a cheap marketing ploy, but genuine recognition for a professional client who is also a real pleasure to work with.
If you want to add a great candidate to your recruiter shortlist or hire a great public health & sports professional, check out her LinkedIn profile. It says it all!
Bastien Wallace is seeking a full time or contract position in the Public Health, Sports, Wellness or Sports Management & Communication sectors preferably with a Sydney based health or sports organisation.
Bastien Wallace is free to start a new role from 01 July 2014 when she leaves her current role as National Integrity & Policy Manager at Basketball Australia.
Thank you and congratulations Bastien!
If you have been in the workforce long enough, I’m sure you have experienced some of those same inane questions which continue to creep up in interview after interview.
Here are three insights and a number of useful tips to help you to utilise Twitter effectively if you want to tweet for jobs or use Twitter for your career networking.
No one gets hired because they have a great resume alone. Your resume has to be compelling and ATS-proof to get noticed. I unmask 5 common resume myths so you can score your next interview faster. Read more
Your Photo is one of the 1st items a Recruiter or Hiring Manager will see when they view your LinkedIn Profile. I have 3 simple steps to ensure that you get it right. Read more
It’s always about winning isn’t it? … but winning isn’t easy. I have 8 reasons that just might explain why you weren’t selected for the job. Read more
Email is the universal business communication tool, yet so many emails go straight to the trash or remain unopened. I have 10 easy tips to ensure your name in the ‘from’ field becomes a stress reducer for your clients, colleagues and even your recruiter or hiring manager if you are job seeking.
Every job search or career change scenario is unique, but you’ll improve your situation if you avoid one or all of these timewasting scenarios. Read more