The Top 5 Job Hunter Delusions Stopping You to Secure a New Job

Finding a job you love and one that pays the money you want, requires a job hunter to plan with a high level of standards instead of a high level of delusions.

Every day thousands of job hunters search for jobs with unrealistic expectations about how the process will work — expectations that often result in disappointment and frustration.  If you want to be successful with your job hunting efforts, than you have to stop believing in these typical Job Hunter Delusions and instead focus on proven ways to get the attention of, and ultimately impress, the hiring manager(s).


Delusion #1 

I’m the perfect candidate for the job and they will realise that.

Ok. Whether you want to believe in it or not, here is the hard truth about your online application.

Whenever you submit an online job application, you’re almost always submitting to an applicant tracking system (ATS) that’s programmed to screen out candidates based on keywords, dates and job titles. ATS systems are used everywhere to make the job of the hiring manager easier. ATS systems don’t fail at doing their job: according to Career Confidential CEO Peggy McKee, only about five of every 1000 online applications make it through the ATS and onto the hiring manager’s desk. Did I get your attention now? Even if you believe that you are the perfect person for the job, those are pretty poor odds of getting your resume in front of human eyes.

And yet, thousands of job hunters consistently slave hours and hours over time-consuming online forms, under the #1 Delusion that if they’re truly qualified, that they’ll make it past the ATS algorithm and successfully in front of a humans set of eyes.

Is it possible to get your application documents through these automated Applicant Tracking Systems? It sure is. But is it the best way to spend your valuable time and get your resume read? Trust me, absolutely not!

The solution:

Stop wasting time, and instead invest more time writing your resume and cover letter and tracking down the hiring manager’s direct contact details (here’s how), then send your application directly to him or her. With a professional, short and succinct cover letter and tailored resume, you’ve improved your odds of scoring a job interview by at least 50% over just letting robots determine your fate.

Delusion #2 

It’s meant to be a job for me.

Staying positive during your job search is important, but if you rely solely on fate, aka “Hope & Fear Syndrome”, to successfully get you through your job hunt, then you will most likely fail. Like it or not, job hunting requires a little more persistence.

The solution:

If you want to get your application in front of the hiring manager, you have to do a number of things such as networking, arranging meetings and informational interviews and sending lots of emails. You also have to do your own research and follow-up and -through and invest time and effort into each and every application you submit. Remove yourself from the #2 Delusion “This job is meant to be.” The truth is, getting the job won’t just happen. You have to make it happen.


Delusion #3  

Waiting for a response from the recruiter

It’s frustrating, but it’s the harsh truth.  You’re not going to receive a prompt response (or a response at all) from every company you apply to. Accept this and you will make progress. If you dwell on it, you will most likely suffer and fail.

In an ideal world, job hunters would always receive a response to their application(s) and even polite feedback listing the reasons why they were not chosen to move on in the process. It is delusional to believe that this will happen. The vast majority of hiring managers only contact those candidates who are being asked to interview with the company. Others send out automated “we received your application” emails, followed by total radio silence, aka “the communication black hole”.

The solution:

Improve your chances of hearing back simply by ensuring that you’re contacting a real person (see the section above), then follow these tips for following up in an appropriate way and within an appropriate timeline. If you still don’t get any feedback, MOVE ON. It’s the harsh reality of the job hunting process, and it might also signal that it’s time for you to move on to better or other job opportunities.


Delusion #4 

They’ll figure it out that I’m a great fit

The delusional “figure out” should be the most obvious flaw in your job hunting approach. Like it or not, the recruiter should be able to immediately see, clear as day, that you’re a great candidate and a perfect fit for the job.

There should be no “figuring out” involved. Seriously, if you expect a hiring manager to dive deep into your 5 or 6 page resume or 2 page cover letter to make the connection why you, and how you, qualify for the open position, then chances are, that he or she will simply move on to the next, more qualified applicant who helps them to see it. Enough Said


Delusion #5

My passion for the job will shine through

When you come across your dream position, there is absolutely nothing that will stop you from getting that position, least of all the fact that you don’t meet the minimum qualifications… (by a long shot)

To some extent, this may not be a problem. Job descriptions are often written for the ideal candidate, and some factors may be negotiable — but PASSION is the most overused term in job applications and job interviews. Passion is important and passion matters to employers, but passion has been overused to an extent that most hiring professionals are simply “over it” and too many HR professionals increasingly form the view that Passion is Bullshit. My tip: Avoid playing the passion card – it will most likely work against you!

Job hunting is a tough (and sometimes lonely) process. But if you remove these five delusions for your job search approach, you’ll be better able to hone in on better ways to get noticed, get interviews, and ultimately secure the job you deserve. Check your expectations and remember to hunt wisely!
