The ultimate job application guide

If you have been following the advice on this blog, you’d be very precise with your job application. It’s never a good idea to ‘spray n pray’ a standard resume and cover letter. That’s just wasting everyone’s time, including yours. Instead, you should be extremely precise with your applications by only applying for jobs that are a good fit for you. But how do you really know if a job is a good fit? It’s not enough to say “yeah, I think I could do that” or “I’ve done that before” – you need to be specific and thorough with your analysis of the job.

I know you’re probably asking “how do you do this?”. Don’t worry, we have a 9-step process that walks you through the things you need to think about in your job application. The most important things are covered, from understanding the application process, through to impressing the hiring manager with your specific and relevant experience.



A word of warning though, if you shouldn’t be applying for this job then the below steps won’t work. Why? Because you can’t give a STAR response when you have never been in a relevant situation before.

Follow these steps and you’ll greatly increase your chances of keeping the hiring managers attention and a better chance of getting an interview.

Do you have your own method for breaking down the job application process? Share your tips and tricks in the comments below.

As always, remember to hunt wisley
