Entries by Ulrich Schild

Tired of Strange Job Ads? Try our Job Ad Decoder!

In job ads and interviews, bosses can embellish everything from the benefits (“Flexible vacation anytime!”) to the workload (“Team leaves at 4:30!”). But where employers really stretch the truth is in job postings— a bit like how you beef up your résumé and cover letter to give the best impression possible.

10 Ways to Contracting Out Your Brain Power & Earn $$$

Most businesses have plenty of information, but too many lack the raw brain power to be able to frame their challenging sales, service or operations problems in ways that would give them a competitive edge.That’s where you can come in — as a brain for hire. An old fashioned word for it is “contractor”.

The 3 main reasons why you don’t get job interviews

Getting a job interview can be hard work, especially if you are in competition with hundreds of other job hunters for each position. Even if you are qualified, you can easily be overlooked or ignored. If this sounds familiar to you, then it’s time to seriously check your applications and your resume to find out […]

How long can you afford to be unemployed?

I regularly receive questions from job hunters such as “How much time should I allow for finding a job?” or “How long can I be unemployed without damaging my future employment prospects?” My reply is almost always the same. How long can you afford to be unemployed?