7 Things You Must Stop to Ensure Your Job Search Success
I occasionally have to cut conversations with potential clients short. Why? Because of their attitude. Simply speaking, Your Attitude Determines Your Job Search Altitude, I see it 3 out of 10 times. I know that with that attitude they won’t get hired or have their applications passed along to the hiring manager. I sense it within 30 seconds of being on the phone. I literally smell it. I have seven things you need to stop if you want to reach better heights and see some job search success.
Many out there tend to struggle in their job search, or at their job, and when that happens, it is more than likely that your attitude is the main thing that keeps you doing what you are doing. Getting the job that you want is hard and it takes effort. I have said this many times, stand out or you will stand still. I try to emphasise this with every single one of our job hunter clients. You won’t be hired by a company, you will be hired by a person. Connect with the person, but be warned it will take some effort. To help you reach stop standing still and to reach new heights, I’ve put together a number of things you need to avoid.
1) Stop spamming
If you are applying to 20 jobs in one day, you haven’t applied to any. You’ve just spammed hiring managers. Select two or maximum three per day and do each of them well. Network your way in. Submit a tailored (beyond the company name and job title) application and cover letter. Job searching can be like a marathon. Don’t sprint. Nobody can sprint 42.195 kilometres.
2) Stop the stupid questions
Google was invented so that people no longer have to ask other people stupid questions. I am not kidding. Do not ask the person in the interview how long they’ve been with the company. LinkedIn will tell you that. You look like a greenhorn. Inept people rarely get hired. If you can Google it, do it. It will prevent people from thinking you are wasting their time and show them that you are invested in your application.
3) Stop the expectation game
Don’t expect to hear from companies and get everything you want for doing the minimum. It’s people who hire you and they don’t want to work with average or mediocre people. Sending resumes into the “black hole of applications” is not the only thing you should be doing. Network. Get involved. Reach out and be proactive. For example, when you send a request on LinkedIn, customise it – put some efforts in it and mean it. Trust me, most people don’t play the expectation game.
4) Stop the last minute preparation game
Don’t wait until the interview to do research on the company. Pulling up the website while on the phone does not constitute research. If you are looking for a place to spend 40+ hours a week, you owe it to yourself to gather as much information as possible. It still baffles me that people will put more effort into researching a new car than a new company.
5) Stop cheap-skating
I always smirk when I receive applications made with resume or email templates from Dr. Google or discount websites. Too many job hunters use cheap templates or, at least, it seems so. It sounds robotic. Be human. Also, connect with those interviewing you. The only thing people like more than talking is finding someone who listens. This includes interviewers.
6) Stop selling yourself short
You have transferable skills. For example, a job as a tour coordinator on Carnival Cruise Lines can be described in two ways:
- · A cool job where you tanned, travelled the world, met girls, and hung out playing volleyball; or
- · A high pressure environment where you supervised others and paid attention to details while dealing with volatile clientele.
Yes, six year old kids are volatile clientele. If you need help with this, hire a resume writer or career coach. Don’t just write a resume. Look at the job description as someone looking to solve a problem and think about how you can position your experience as someone who can solve that problem.
7) Stop the excuses
If you genuinely want something, find time for the things that matter including the job search and networking. For much of the past two years, I have made the excuse that I don’t have the time to do more exercise even though I felt poorly about myself because I wasn’t exercising. I told myself and anyone who wanted to know it, that I was very busy. Last month I stopped the excuses and I’ve seen results. I’ve felt better and lost a couple of kilo. I’m also sleeping better. Just do it.
If you thing you can do some or all of these items, get started and if you struggle to figure out where to start or how to do it, hire a professional. We are happy to assist. Whatever you do remember to hunt wisely!