The 10 Worst Timewaster Job Search Tactics

You’ve been on the job hunt for weeks and still no interview? Welcome to the club. I reveal 10 Timewasters and how to avoid them if you want to reduce your stress and search time. Read more

Think different – Look at it from the other side!

Understanding what really happens with your resume and application documents will help you to steer clear of frustration and save you valuable time. So put your creative hat on and look at it from the other side.

Read more

Are you dizzy from all the buzzwords?

They are everywhere.  Jargon du jour or Buzzwords tend to pop up incessantly and often when you least want to hear them.  You’re not alone, others don’t want to hear them either!  I have 3 useful references to help keep your communication jargon free. Read more

500 LinkedIn Connections and still alone!

Do you find yourself regularly checking your email or the LinkedIn web site for messages? Do you feel that the next message may be the one for your big career jump or company sale? Have you lost count of your connections I have 4 important check-ups to help you assess your situation. Read more

Celebrating our 1st Anniversary

We are only 9 days away from our 1st business anniversary and we decided to celebrate this with a well-deserved upgrade.


It was 01 April 2013 when we launched our 1st blog post to reach out to Job Seekers & Hiring Managers in Australia & New Zealand. It has been a busy and rewarding year with a lot of interesting stories, candidates and client wins. We have managed over 130 blog posts and reached many thousands of readers during the last 12 months – and the number is growing rapidly.


Our unique Resume Writing Service has attracted and helped many Australian and New Zealand based Job Seekers to find new work and our Head Coach, Ulrich Schild, has been very busy blogging, speaking and workshopping at job fairs & business events on both sides of the ditch.


We have also received an amazing amount of feedback to ‘soldier on’ with our mission to provide more of our authentic, real-world career support and guidance.


To ensure that you enjoy it even more we decided to notch it up another level for our 2nd year. We have listened to your feedback, we have taken all your suggestions and recommendations to heart and we decided to enhance our site with new services, more features, more flexible pricing and a brand spanking new name.


But before we crank up the engine of the new service site, we’re taking a mini break…..


So, stay tuned and in the meantime visit our Facebook & Twitter account ( #TheJobSearchCoach and @ulrichschild ) if you want updates while we enjoy a few days to re-charge our batteries. Join us back here on 2 April 2014 when we return as:



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In the meantime – hang tight and remember to hunt wisely!



Ulrich Schild




4 Habits of succesful Jobseekers

Why do some Jobseekers struggle less with their Jobsearch? Here are 4 Habits of Jobseekers that stand out.


You know the feeling when you meticulously plan an event but chances are that a few people will be late.


I always have the same ‘why is that’ philosophical discussion with my partner when that happens. We are both pretty laid back but we both seem to know ahead of time who the latecomers will be. Many people I know are, or tend to be, chronically late -but I don’t believe that it’s because they don’t value others’ time.


It’s more complicated than that. I deal with a large number of people every month, and I have learned that lateness is more often related to personality characteristics such as anxiety, procrastination or a penchant for thrill-seeking. It would be boring if we were all structured the same way but it is clear to me that some people are drawn to the adrenaline rush of that last-minute sprint to the finish line, while others receive an ego boost from over-scheduling and filling each moment with activity.


The majority of people have a combination of late and punctual or prepared and un-prepared habits (e.g. usually on time, but with a frantic rush at the last minute). But, I can always spot the job seeker who will get through their job search period with less anxiety and stress because they most often display one or all of the following habits.


Habit # 1


Realistic people have plans and know how long things take. Chronically late people, however, engage in what I would call “magical thinking”.

If once, 5 years ago, a job application required 45 minutes of preparation, they believe that’s how long it will take. They forget about the 99% of the times where it took 60 – 90 minutes. This underestimation of how long things take is a definite pattern in the lives of the chronically late.

To develop realistic habits, I suggest that you start relearning to tell time. Write down how long you think it takes to get ready in the morning, start your job search work and review job ads. Then for a week, track how long those things really take. Check the results and adjust your timings. Chronically late people are often off of their time estimates by 25% to 30%.


Habit # 2

They Plan everything Including BUFFER TIME

Punctual people are usually early. Being late stresses them out and they don’t like feeling rushed. Chronically late people get stressed out from being late as well, but they don’t strive to be early; they tend to try to time things to the minute.

For a 5pm submission deadline or a meeting, for example, a punctual person would plan buffers of 30 – 45 minutes, allowing enough time for an unexpected delay, such as traffic or a full parking garage. Organised people tend to be punctual. They do things like reviewing directions online, checking traffic reports before leaving, and some will even drive to a new location the day before to understand the route. They plan with a buffer, they prepare for the unexpected and they know that in order to be punctual, they need to plan to arrive early.


Habit # 3

They’re OK with DOWNTIME

Being organised translates to being punctual and often, even arriving early. Organised job seekers use the extra five or 10 minutes as downtime – a chance to re-read emails, read over notes, or simply enjoy the solitude to settle down.

Organised job seekers also tend to use downtime to strategise about job search alternatives, to network or educate themselves.

Chronically late or unorganised people, however, hate downtime (and often don’t have any of it). They enjoy the thrill of that last-minute sprint to the finish line and crave stimulation. To be more comfortable with downtime, bring along something to fill those spare moments and I am not just talking about your iPhone. J

Knowing that you have something to occupy your time will help to throttle down the engines and gather your thoughts before you enter a job interview or networking session.



Habit # 4


Almost half of everything we do on a daily basis is automatic. Your life is filled with habits – from the way you brush your teeth to how you get dressed and leave for work, and good or bad, I know that that they’re necessary. If we didn’t do things automatically, it would take us forever to get through our day.

The habits of people who are organised are highly structured. They analyse their daily activities, set routines, and stick to them on regular basis. Chronically unorganised people, however, don’t have structure and often fall into the ‘attention deficit disorder’ spectrum. Instead of thinking about why their routines don’t work and trying something different next time, chronically unorganised people simply hope that tomorrow will be better.

To become organised, I suggests putting more routines and structure into your life. For example, do everything you can to prepare for the morning the night before.


If you think that all this is common sense, than you are more likely one of those job seekers with good habits. If you can see room for improvement with some of my suggestions, get started sooner rather than later but remember when you are out there job searching to hunt wisely!


Happy Friday! Please tell me something new.

Did you check your blogs and tweets today? Did you get your dose of ‘ same old – same old”? I have an idea…

Happy Pi – Friday! Pardon the punt guys Friday is most popular / corporate day of the week. Perhaps it consists of an unhealthy breakfast muffin with your double shot Chi Chai Soy Skim Latte, excitement about weekend plans or just the simple joy of knowing you don’t have to get up for work the next morning.


I have been very busy and productive all of this week and had no chance to launch a mid week blog this week. It made me feel bad, as I always want to offer something new or helpful or at least share some findings and news. So anyway … I got up very early this morning for some “ me time “ catching up with various topics and you guessed it, I read lots of twitter posts and blog posts.


After a very short time, I was thoroughly annoyed. I was looking for some unique entertainment on my favourite subjects, to learn something I didn’t know, or to hear some good stories. I found none of these things.


Every blog or twitter post seemed to be exactly the same:

  • » Pursue your passion!
  • » Follow your dreams
  • » Escape the 9 to 5!
  • » Leave your job to travel the world!
  • » Live spontaneously!
  • » Be a positive person!
  • » 50 Days to your dreams!
  • » Did I mention … Pursue your passion!
  • » Cubical = Hell on Earth!


Seriously ? Bugger me .. This is so annoying. Not only is this advice the last thing I want to hear about on a Friday morning, every blog post on every blog sounded almost exactly the same.


Apparently I need to add some new blogs to my RSS feed (please give me some new ones, I’m dying here) and I think I need to delete some too.

Don’t get me wrong I love my gadgets and I am a sucker for news and blogs and I certainly don’t mind the commercial aspect of most career blogs, but I am asking myself , is it that hard to actually contribute something of value first before these bloggers give us their standard “Pursue your passion”! pitch?


Reading all of these posts made me feel like these guys think that we ( my generation included ) is living in a weird bubble when it comes to our careers. Perhaps you could call it la la land. In addition, many of us see success in only one way- and we’re kind of harsh about those who don’t conform.


I’m all about making a million dollars a year pursuing your passion. Who WOULDN’T be?! But do you really think that my generation and the Gen Y and the Millennia’s actually care about these phrases? Guy’s you need to come up with something new!


Oh and what the heck does passion mean anyways?

I think we build the word up to be way more than it is. says passion is: any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling, as love or hate. Pretty simple definition.

The “p-word” is losing it’s fire. It’s an idea. Maybe it’s a fantasy. It’s overused. It provides false hope amidst people who look for work. It sets internet marketers up to make money selling dreams rather than valuable products and services.


Also sorry to tell you but here is NOT one definition of success!

Another point I’d like to make is that not everyone wants to work for themselves. Not everyone wants to leave their day job to travel around the world. Not everyone wants to sell all of their stuff and see where the wind takes them. Some people- GASP!- love their corporate jobs and are very happy moving up the ladder that way. Some people like money and want to buy nice cars with it. Some people like getting advanced degrees and going back to school.


Please, let everyone define their own version of success.

Success looks very different for everyone, and I feel that many Career bloggers are painting the picture only one way. Please refrain from it. Instead – offer real advice – genuine insight and help and actively point job seekers and career changers at some new trendsetting ideas and when you are done with that – do your usual sales pitch, as it is perfectly ok to do that – but really only if you have something to offer first.


Oh and while I am on it – Passion is PART of our career. For many, passions are pursued outside of work. And that’s ok!

So – to sum it all up. I love my blogs and the twitter feeds and all the other info, but I am over content without value. I believe good bloggers and tweeters and googlers and gurglers have something genuine – valuable – insightful and personal to share before they go onto their business – product pitch.

Maybe you can do some of that next week and I am sure tons of new Followers and Subscribers will sign up to you.


Do You want to throw some fuel on the fire

  • » Do you feel the word “passion” is being overused in Career blogs today?
  • » Do you feel like Career blogs tend to define success repeatedly in the same ways?
  • » What would you do if you had the option to:Is taking the money such a bad thing?

A. Take a job you liked that paid you $15,000 more than you make now, or

B. Get a $10,000 salary cut to do something you are “passionate” about?


I’d love to hear your thoughts on this rant. Maybe I’m being silly,( after all its Friday ! ) but I had to share my thoughts.

Oh yeah, and please when you go back to research and job hunting remember to hunt wisely!


Doh! Guess why you were not selected?

It’s always about winning isn’t it? … but winning isn’t easy. I have 8 reasons that just might explain why you weren’t selected for the job. Read more

Career Advice – Good vs. Bad

The job world is full of advice for Job Seekers & Career Changers, but how do you deal with it and what about your own voice and experience? Read more

10 red flags you’re dealing with a black sheep recruiter

Dealing with professional recruiters or 3rd party hiring professionals is not easy, especially if they are armed with unethical tricks and practises. I have 10 of the more common red flags and how to spot them. Read more