Your LinkedIn Photo – HOW TO GET IT RIGHT

Your Photo is one of the 1st items a Recruiter or Hiring Manager will see when they view your LinkedIn Profile. I have 3 simple steps to ensure that you get it right. 



Your LinkedIn Image


Your LinkedIn photo is the first thing visitors of your profile notice when they check you out . It is also often a determining factor t in whether people click to view your profile. Ask Yourself:

  • What does your LinkedIn photograph say about you?
  • What does it say about your professional image?

Ensure to check these three key factors of your photograph to ensure you are properly presenting your personal brand.


Appearance & Setting


Consider what you want people to see in your photograph:


Check these two items:


  • Do you want show your whole upper torso or just a headshot? If torso is your choice ensure to check the selection of clothing as it is critical. My tip: Get some help from friends when it comes to clothing selection.




What background do you want?

  • Do you want to appear to be outdoors?
  • Do you want to appear in a group or indoor?


Whatever your choice is, the focus should be on you and the background should only provide the prop. Also, be careful that your outfit will need to be compatible with each background.


Chin line

Ladies & Gents, I know it’s a sensitive factor for most of us, me included, but the ultimate factor in whether you will look good in your LinkedIn profile photograph is your chin line.


You do not want any double chins and wrinkles. I am not kidding and I am not wasting your time! Watch this video and see with your own eyes that –It’s all about the Jaw!

Jaw Line Video

The video is 15 minutes long but it is well worth every minute as you can learn from Star Photographer Peter Hurley, about how to make your chin line look great.


Compare the learning with your current profile photo and see if you can optimise your image with these simple steps. Enjoy the video , share the blog if you like it and remember when you go back to your JobSearch to hunt wisely!

