Kick-start your job search

Job searching is a full time job and can be easier said than done. There is more to it than updating your resume and cover letter or your LinkedIn profile. There are plenty of things you need to know and think about before you embark on your job search, so I suggest that you prepare yourself to kick-start your engines.

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3 Essential Steps to Networking … The Hidden Job Market Part II

Have you started exploring the ‘Hidden Job Market’ yet and are you building a network of contacts? Or are you still relying on the same-old-same-old of applying to advertised openings to land that next job? I’m sure you’ve heard of the Hidden Job Market. However, I think it’s worth a reminder that there are many unfilled and un-advertised jobs. So the idea is to work on your networking skills so you can meet people who can hire you before a job is made available through the traditional channels. Read more

Breaking out of the job seeking rut!

Guest blogger:  Melony dos Remedios

We may not realise it, but we are all creatures of habit. We eat the same breakfast. We drive the same way to work every day. We travel to the same holiday destinations every year. We drink the same double shot soy skinny latte from the same café. The list goes on and on!


Some of these habits are helpful, such as brushing your teeth every day or going for your morning walk. Others – such as that nightly bag of chips on the couch while you watch TV – not so good. Read more

Want a confidence boost? Move!

Guest Editor Melony dos Remedios writes:

As a Personal Trainer and Lifestyle Coach, I’ve worked with so many clients over the years whose goals vary from weight loss to stress management to six packs and everywhere in between.

Once they made a decision to commit to exercise, they found there was an added benefit: achieving goals in the gym or working out with a team or trainer helped them to achieve goals outside the gym: in their relationships; while job seeking and in their career. They quickly learned the importance of exercise as a tool to help them achieve physical, mental and emotional confidence and strength. Read more


Here is what happens to most people in the 20 weeks following losing their job. In the first few weeks, most people experience a steady improvement in their sense of well-being. If, however, candidates haven’t found a job 10 -12 weeks into their search, the trend reverses and they start feeling rejected and depressed.


Most candidates know that finding a job is in their own hands but so is their mental health. Many Jobseekers lose sight of how mental health is directly linked to your ability to push ahead with your job search.

Remaining jobless and not finding work takes a toll on self-esteem and overall mental health no matter how tough you are. Networking and going on informational interviews is horribly tough when you’re feeling low, but will pay off in self-esteem, and ultimately in your ability to land a job.


So learn to PAUSE



In my experience as both an employed and unemployed job-seeker, I learned that it is important to create Pause periods to refuel before I return to the search. When I return to my job search task, I recharge using the GO LIKE HELL method to ensure that I do not hit another low again. I also go hard to ensure that I feel good about myself at the end of the day. So Pause and GO LIKE HELL are both reward tools in my job-seeker toolkit.

The PAUSE section of the blog also offers creative ideas, tips and solutions to keep your financial situation “in good health” and to have some fun along the way.


Now before I rattle off my blog posts with numerous tips and tricks, let’s spend one more minute to take a closer look at what I am trying to convey. Read more

April Fool’s? … No it’s not!

This is not an April Fool’s joke

This is the launch of TheDyslexicJobSeeker blog posts with a new look, a new layout and new features.

Starting 1 April 2013 TDJS will feature regular updates and information for job seekers and hiring professionals in Australia & New Zealand.

Enjoy my posts and share the good bits with your network.

Hunt wisely,  Uli