It’s TimeTo Update Your Profile!
If you haven’t already, now is a good time to update your LinkedIn profile. It’s your opportunity to be noticed so start on these 6 updates to fix it up.
If you haven’t touched your LinkedIn profile for the last six or more months, then it’s definitely time to take action. Think of it like a makeover for your professional image.
Always keep in mind that LinkedIn constantly evolves and you should follow with an up to date profile. You have to be on top of things If you want to get noticed as it’s no longer enough to just list your past jobs and educational background.
But, you will have to log onto the site and use these tools. Are You Ready?
# 1 Update your photo
Nothing says fresh like a new photo. This isn’t Facebook, but that’s no reason to stick with a bad looking, boring head shot. Pick a photo that shows you off well, in a professional light.
# 2 Update your Summary
Nothing is older than yesterday’s news, so ensure to update your own headlines. What’s your most noteworthy accomplishment you had in 2013? If you haven’t filled out a summary yet, write one. If you wrote one last year, update it.
# 3 Get involved – gear up your participation
It always amazes me how many people don’t actually socialise on LinkedIn. It’s a Professional / Social Network so why not get involved occasionally? People have actually been offered jobs just because they did a great job answering questions and participating actively in groups. Try it! It is a great way to contribute and enhance your network.
# 4 Refresh your LinkedIn group activity & participation
You may have old semi passive groups in your listing, based on invitations or other out of date reasons. Avoid limiting yourself by only joining employee or alumni groups. Clean out the groups that don’t work for you and join some new ones and start to contribute.
# 5 Remove old outdated buzz & key words from 2011 – 2012
Are you still showing old buzzwords? Remove them, as they make you sound old and maybe even out of touch.
Typical old style and dusty Buzzwords and key words are creative, organisational, effective, extensive experience, track record, motivated, innovative, problem solving, communication skills and dynamic. Other buzzwords to avoid include: results oriented, team player, self-starter and multitasking.
Most of them are adjectives trying to describe you. Instead use action words–preferably verbs–that show your accomplishments. Here’s a good list of them from Money Zine.
# 6 Get a new and relevant recommendation
Most LinkedIn users tend to update their recommendations when they go job hunting. That’s a bit late. Avoid recommendations from friends or co-workers as they are too easy for recruiters to spot and ignore.
Instead try to organise recommendations that span months or even years as they are far more impressive. A good recommendation from a recent executive contact in your industry or at your company is worth a lot and usually works well with hiring managers.
1. Don’t mention personal stuff—it’s just wrong. This suggests to the business professionals in your network that you don’t really respect their time.
2. The LinkedIn/Twitter interface is causing people to have too many LinkedIn updates. So, if you are using that interface, please be selective about the updates you share between the two platforms. LinkedIn and Twitter are designed with different purposes and strategies. Show that you are Social Media savvy.
If you attend to some or all of these updates your LinkedIn experience will improve and with it maybe even your chances to get noticed for a new job or career opportunity. Try it. Update your profile and remember when you are out there, to hunt wisely!