Guest Editor : Allan Sparkes CV, VA– Inspirational Speaker, Author – The Cost of Bravery
Job Seeking is a very lonely affair. Isolation, loneliness and depression are common side effects of a job seeker’s day, particularly for those candidates who have been on the hunt for more than 6 months. I regularly receive personal emails from Job Seekers who ask me to address this unspoken and uncomfortable subject in my blog.
I am very honoured and proud to introduce you to an expert in this area, a real Australian hero and Ambassador for
Allan Sparkes offers great insight, advice and encouragement on adversity and his guest contribution is far better than anything I could ever pen for you. I encourage you to read his guest blog post and his book, and if you find this contribution valuable or if you know of a friend or co-worker who is suffering from depression or adversity as a result of recent job loss, please share it. Read more