
Learn strategies to avoid making classic body language mistakes in job interviews.

You’ve submitted a flawless resume and even wrote a catchy cover letter .

You are confident about your responses to tough interview questions and you believe you are half way there to scoring your next dream job.

I have news for you!  You might make  a strong job candidate—but if you forget to smile, slouch in your chair or if you are bad with genuine eye contact during the interview, and you could be out of the running before you even realize it. I have 10 interview body language mistakes that could cost you a job offer.


Click here to watch the short video and if you have comments or other tips and insight please share them with us. In the meantime… don’t forget to hunt wisely!


Dirty Laundry – Turns off Clients & Job Seekers

Finding good employees or finding a new job is expensive, time consuming and, for most seekers, also stressful. The constant exposure to ‘dirty laundry’ in forums , social media and news articles turns clients and Job Seekers off and ultimately turns them away from using recruiters to assist them with the search. I have 3 solutions to help recruiters to improve their reputation so clients and job seekers embrace them as much as they should.

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A negative experience for the job seeker can reflect badly on your company. If you get it wrong, you may see a ripple effect damage that appears when somebody makes a complaint which gains traction and/ or goes viral around the internet. To help prevent this check out the following situations for jobseekers and see what many experience when they apply for jobs.   Get the Rest Here

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“Congratulations you have 90 days to lose or leave your new job”

The phrase “hit the ground running” is a job starter cliché, especially if your new employer stipulated a lengthy probation period and your new boss turns out to be another tyrant. You have worked hard to get the job – so learn to stay clear of the ‘human minefield’. I have 10 tips that can turn the boss from hell into a pussycat and the battlefield into the greener pastures you had signed up for to begin with.

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Employers – JobSeekers – Recruiters, can we get organised please ?!…

not another Time Waster please....

not another Time Waster please….


Let’s face it, real success mostly comes from people not processes, gadgets or nifty machines. They play an important role, but they don’t make or break the future of a business. I get a lot of feedback from hiring managers, recruiters and candidates and they all finger-point at each other, lamenting about the ‘Waste of Time’. Read more

I hate my job. Does that sound familiar?…


So You hate your job?.. You are one of many people who spend 40 or more hours a week in jobs they can’t stand. Having to complete work we dread, helping colleagues we loathe or dealing with bosses who are driving us mad can be enough to make any of us miserable. Maybe you have muttered I hate my job under your breath at work. Maybe you have even said it while venting your frustration with your friends. So, what are you doing about it? Read more

How to manage Career Gaps in your Resume

Resume Gaps - courtesy better photos dot com

Resume Gaps



There are numerous legitimate reasons for employment gaps and assuming you did not spend your time as a couch potato watching TV, you should not be afraid to explain what the reasons were. Read more

Resume Blunders Mature Age Job Seekers

Many Mature Age Job Seekers are daunted -by the changes in the job market, the prospect of ageism and the likelihood of being interviewed by someone half their age. I receive regular feedback that the candidates worry about the generalizations some short-sighted employers make about older workers. They either see you as overqualified and overpriced, or they judge you as  inflexible and technologically challenged. You know why? Because you eventually make silly Resume blunders and bloopers that give away your age and experience.

Let’s talk about the top mistakes that hopeful Mature Age Job Seekers make in their Resumes and how to avoid them. Watch the video – just  click here 

Is recruiting the Game of Lies or is it still real professional matchmaking?

I found my best jobs with the help of professional recruiters and I managed to solve some of my most difficult staffing issues with recruiting experts. Am I living in the past?

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You better ‘Clean up your online reputation’ !

If you haven’t done it already – now is the best time to clean up ‘ your online reputation’. You see most Hiring Managers and Recruiters hit the google button, as soon as they have short listed you.


So try it and  google yourself and don’t be too surprised if you get hit with some embarrassing content from the past.  With this in mind, I strongly suggest that you clean up your ‘online shrapnel’ before you kick off your networking for a career change or before you embark on your job seeking mission. If you want to know how to clean up click here :