
Decipher the Job Ads to land the right job!

When you read job advertisements, you know that they’re not all created equally. Some include far too much detail, while others leave a lot up to the imagination. As with everything, it is up to you to pick out what’s important when applying for a job.

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Job Hopping Stigma – Adjust your view – or search until it is too late!

I think it’s time for the business world to get new spectacles so they can adjust or correct their view on the fast paced and ever changing world of job seekers. Don’t worry! I’m not talking about teaching an old dog new tricks.

I am talking about the ‘job hopper’ stigma. Read more

When the writing is on the wall – Redundancy and other worries ….

Getting the flick in today’s job market is not uncommon and it affects almost every profession and industry. It can be like being evicted from your home in a storm. The horrific head winds facing job seekers today will make finding shelter with a new employer all the harder.
I am a big advocate of loyalty to your employer but sometimes you have to read the signals and work out if you should stick around to fight the battle or get the hell out of there on your own terms. There are many signals that may show you if you are likely ‘on the list’, so learn to read the signs to figure out when it’s time to bail and stabilise your career. Read more

Don’t Attract Second-Rate Tech Recruiters – Hire Experts

Thursday morning 10am last week, I get a call from my Recruiter at Drake Recruiting, asking me, “Are we still on for 6 pm?”  My heart sank for a moment as I thought I might have missed an uber important interview but as it turns out it was a reminder for a networking event at 6pm in the Sydney CBD. Phew, lucky me. I am keen to attend so I confirmed, not mentioning that I had actually forgotten to enter his invitation in my calendar. I assure you this sort of glitch usually does not happen to me as I tend to be organised.

So, I left a bit early to join the networking event and arrived to meet an impressive line-up of Sydney Start-Up companies.  Read more

Clean up your act before you start job searching or networking!

When you search for information on a product or a person online do you find what you want? I’m guessing that you often don’t, at least not easily. What often happens is that you end up spending a lot of time searching until you really find what you were looking for.

That’s because you get to see what Google and Facebook (and increasingly many other companies and search engines and solutions) think you want to find.  And here is the real bad part of the news.  It can also be because you have likely left a lot of personal online garbage out there on the internet. So, don’t be too surprised if you get hit with some embarrassing content from the past.  With this in mind, I strongly suggest that you clean up your ‘online shrapnel’ before you kick off your networking for a career change or before you embark on your job seeking mission. Read more

Hidden Job Market – really?

What’s behind all the hype and buzz of the so called hidden job market?

Where are all these jobs and how can you access them?

Part 1      Seriously what is it about the mystery of the hidden job market that has us enchanted and eager to cling to a belief that there is sea of undiscovered job opportunities out there somewhere? I am sceptical that we are missing out on 80% of the jobs out there so I’ve done some digging and here is what I have found for you. Read more

75% of all Applications are Discarded by ATS Software

How to Get Your Resume Past Application Tracking Software

What do you mean, you don’t know what an

 Application Tracking System is?

Don’t feel bad, you’re not alone.  Most Job Seekers out there actually have no clue what happens to their Resume or CV after they have hit the send button.

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Don’t just select cookie cutter applicants – look out for the resourceful Job Seekers

If you are a recruiter or hiring manager who adheres to strict submission guidelines, then you probably won’t read beyond the headline of this article….

However, if you struggle to attract truly new and resourceful talent, then you probably end up with an ad plastered with catchy key words such as: self starter; creative; resourceful; hungry; gutsy; etc.

Maybe you resort to punch lines like “pursue your passion”, “leverage your network”, “tailor and tidy up your resume”, “do your homework” and “dress for success” — among other things.

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Help Me ! instead of telling me how to suck eggs…

Have you heard this one before?  Don’t tell me how to suck eggs!

If you live in Australia, then I’m sure you’ve heard it and maybe even experienced it first-hand.

Employees, work mates, peers or friends who tell you that, are really saying they don’t care for your advice.

But, they would like you to help or they wouldn’t have asked in the first place!

They usually have a valid point, since advice is often not delivered properly. There are endless examples of managers and executives who do not know their staff and therefore do not know about their strengths and weaknesses.  There are also tonnes of experts, forums and online portals which prefer to post generic–type advice and information instead of really helping their audience to work out issues or problems.


The same applies to people looking for a career change or new work.  Job Seekers don’t need intervention and help from content providers or experts who live and work in countries which have no relationship to their situation. What Job Seekers want is tangible solutions and good direction.  I found some of that for you – if you are a Job Seeker and if you are interested, that is…

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Australian recipe to win the next election: “Smart people hire the unemployed”

G’day Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott and all of the rest of the smart politicians in Australia.  Here is a recipe to guarantee your party new and everlasting votes at the upcoming election in September 2013.

It is a very simple, low cost concept, super easy to promote and makes lots of sense even if it is promoted by guys like Bob Katter or Warren Truss. Here it is …

“Smart people hire the unemployed”

(or at least they should)

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