
Get Noticed & Remembered Secure Your Next Job

Some job candidates just know how to be remembered for the right reasons. Read more

14 pet hates on LinkedIn and… How to avoid them

If you haven’t noticed it yet, LinkedIn is one of the leading communication tools for professionals and most likely the 1st point where hiring managers and recruiters ‘check you out’. Read more

Your LinkedIn Photo – HOW TO GET IT RIGHT

Your Photo is one of the 1st items a Recruiter or Hiring Manager will see when they view your LinkedIn Profile. I have 3 simple steps to ensure that you get it right.  Read more

It’s TimeTo Update Your Profile!

If you haven’t already, now is a good time to update your LinkedIn profile. It’s your opportunity to be noticed so start on these 6 updates to fix it up.

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May the bridges I burn light the way

I regularly read career advice articles about coping with a bad boss or how to fire someone in the most appropriate way. What I can’t find much on are insights and tips about ending a work relationship with a person who’s not your manager or your employee, or ending a personal relationship that adds no value or drags you down.

You know what I mean?!  I am talking about the LinkedIn contacts or the Facebooker or the personal friends or the co-workers with a not so positive vibe or influence on your life. Read more

Are you missing out again…? Due to poor strategy or execution?

Smart guys have a strategy and a back-up plan and know how to double check their execution to ensure that they land the job. Check the collection of common job seeker mistakes to avoid missing out. Read more

Clean up your act before you start job searching or networking!

When you search for information on a product or a person online do you find what you want? I’m guessing that you often don’t, at least not easily. What often happens is that you end up spending a lot of time searching until you really find what you were looking for.

That’s because you get to see what Google and Facebook (and increasingly many other companies and search engines and solutions) think you want to find.  And here is the real bad part of the news.  It can also be because you have likely left a lot of personal online garbage out there on the internet. So, don’t be too surprised if you get hit with some embarrassing content from the past.  With this in mind, I strongly suggest that you clean up your ‘online shrapnel’ before you kick off your networking for a career change or before you embark on your job seeking mission. Read more