Are you missing out again…? Due to poor strategy or execution?

Smart guys have a strategy and a back-up plan and know how to double check their execution to ensure that they land the job. Check the collection of common job seeker mistakes to avoid missing out. Read more

Networking, Networking, Networking and why it might not work for you…!

It is not just recently that experts and career consultants have been consistently talking about networking. It almost seems like it is the No. 1 topic in LinkedIn, Plaxo and other forums.


I guess it’s fair to say that they all can’t be wrong about the fact that networking is the No. 1 tool for Job Seekers and career changers, not to mention Sales Professionals who want to land their next big deal.


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Decipher the Job Ads to land the right job!

When you read job advertisements, you know that they’re not all created equally. Some include far too much detail, while others leave a lot up to the imagination. As with everything, it is up to you to pick out what’s important when applying for a job.

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Job Hopping Stigma – Adjust your view – or search until it is too late!

I think it’s time for the business world to get new spectacles so they can adjust or correct their view on the fast paced and ever changing world of job seekers. Don’t worry! I’m not talking about teaching an old dog new tricks.

I am talking about the ‘job hopper’ stigma. Read more

Breaking out of the job seeking rut!

Guest blogger:  Melony dos Remedios

We may not realise it, but we are all creatures of habit. We eat the same breakfast. We drive the same way to work every day. We travel to the same holiday destinations every year. We drink the same double shot soy skinny latte from the same café. The list goes on and on!


Some of these habits are helpful, such as brushing your teeth every day or going for your morning walk. Others – such as that nightly bag of chips on the couch while you watch TV – not so good. Read more

Kickstart your network expansion and lift your profile

Developing a strong professional network has always been an important and powerful strategy used by effective job seekers in all fields. Networking is often the No. 1 missing tool in a job seekers toolbox, and this is even more true with ‘mature age’ candidates in the Age Group 45-55. This group often started their networking activities too late in their career or haven’t adapted to new ways of networking.



So, what do you do when your number of network contacts is low and which solution do you turn to when your attempts to reach out for new network contacts fall on deaf ears? How do you deal with 7 or more months of unemployment and 100s of unanswered applications resulting in zero or near zero job interviews? Read more

When the writing is on the wall – Redundancy and other worries ….

Getting the flick in today’s job market is not uncommon and it affects almost every profession and industry. It can be like being evicted from your home in a storm. The horrific head winds facing job seekers today will make finding shelter with a new employer all the harder.
I am a big advocate of loyalty to your employer but sometimes you have to read the signals and work out if you should stick around to fight the battle or get the hell out of there on your own terms. There are many signals that may show you if you are likely ‘on the list’, so learn to read the signs to figure out when it’s time to bail and stabilise your career. Read more

I’ll have some PRIDE with that!

I recently received an email basically telling me that job seeker advice has a strong tendency to be drivel.  The email author went on to say that he was sick and tired of hearing the same old advice again and again from job search experts and professionals. He explained in all sincerity that he has read career advice from countless experts and knows it all even better than some of the so-called career pros (he actually teaches social media networking techniques)…and yet he is still unemployed.

To summarise his sentiments: knows it, does it, lives it – even teaches some of it.  And yet, no job. So, understandably, he’s had it up to here… no maybe up to HERE… with all the platitudes and assurances that following these job search tips will get him the golden ticket. Read more

Meet Roger Gray

Roger is an experienced MD in the  FMCG and Print Media Marketing industry and one of the industries key thinkers on the subjects of Leadership, Change Management and Supply Chain Optimisation. Roger works for organisations with large and complex supply chains as an expert on adoption of Culture & Human Resource methodologies and not to forget a damn fine manager. Roger has recently started blogging about Recruitment, Leadership, Change Management and Supply Chain Optimisation related issues.  He’s a contributor to the editors at thedyslexicjobseeker (TDJS) and various Industry forum groups such as LinkedIn and the Logistics Association of Australia (LAA). Roger also hosts various speaker and consulting events with the Contributors at TDJS. Check him out on LinkedIn.  Not up to speed in the social media game? Reach out via [email protected].  Roger has an MBA from the University of Melbourne  and a Masters of Business in Integrated Logistics from RMIT.  He also earned his stripes at the Institute of Directors in New Zealand and as Operations Manager for the Sydney Olympic & Paralympic games in 2000. Not enough yet? If you want to know more about Roger   Read more

Tackling the Talent Shortage – get out of the City

by Guest Editor Scott Butler, Butler HR

Industry trends, such as big data and cloud computing, crowd–sourcing and all the other new buzz word solutions have arrived for a while now and regional and rural areas are not immune to the effects at an enterprise or small – medium business level. These effects are fuelling the demand for IT skills, sales & marketing skills and many other specialised trade skills. While these trends have been on the horizon for some time, most businesses have failed to plan ahead and hire in advance. Read more